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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

BP1 QTR4: Women's History Month

   In the document, it states that women are to fragile, or wouldn't care or need the right to vote. So because of the things men thought, women don't have opinions on something that could effect their life forever? Who ever came up with those ten reasons, I believe, couldn't come up with real answers other than, we just don't want them to. So they came up with false, bad reasons on why women shouldn't vote.
    In the cartoon shown on the document it shows a man sitting in a chair with his two children while his wife went off to vote, it shows the fear the men had if women got to vote. They thought they would be left home with the kids while the women went out to vote. I don't think they understood parenting was a job for both parents, not just throw it all on one parent. Have they ever thought how their wives felt when they were being left home with the kids?

    I have to say that not all of these reasons were terrible though. It was thought that once they got the right, they would relive the men of their voting duties. But women of that time didn't seem as self-absorbed as men then. I mean not wanting the women to vote so their gender could? Women wouldn't leave their spouse at home so they could do something. They would feel they all have the same amount of rights to vote. I think that was the mens main concern of women voting. I think the most far-fetched reason men gave were that women like rest and quiet, not political excitement. Most women would prefer excitement in their world other than a quite boring life.

   My thoughts are that men didn't want women to vote because their housing work would be all dumped on them. I hate how women were treated like them and this whole thing never would have happened if men had thought of other people besides themselves. I'm glad women finally got to vote so that now when i'm old enough i will be able to share my opinion, unlike many women before 1920's


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

BP4 QTR3: President's Day

     George Washington was no doubt a great president and helped our country greatly. Some people say that the holiday, Presidents Day, should be renamed- George Washington's Birthday. Washington was important but I feel the holiday's name should stay Presidents day for many reasons.

     George Washington once said- "The Constitution which at any time exists, 'till changed by an explicit and authentic act of the whole People, is sacredly obligatory upon all." Farewell Address, September 19, 1796. To me, it sounds like what he is trying to say is that he wasn't the only one who helped with the Constitution, it was an act made by everyone. It wasn't made in one day by one person, but by many people over a period of time. He shouldn't be the only one appreciated for the making of the U.S. but every one should.

    I understand why someone would want to rename the holiday, he was indeed an important man. "His example is now complete, and it will teach wisdom and virtue to magistrates, citizens, and men, not only in the present age, but in future generations, as long as our history shall be read." John Adams, Message to the U.S. Senate, December 19, 1799. This is saying that now he has set a good example for us all, and he has given wisdom to us all, but the example he set for us was that he didn't do everything himself it was a group effort.

    In conclusion, yes, it is Washington's birthday, yes he did do a lot for our country, but he didn't do it all. Many people worked to get what we have today. Not just Washington. He did so much for us but share the glory with the other presidents too who did work to help our country